The claim on the yellow board said "It doesn't always happen to others" and "On the road a second can be fatal, think about it".
I was touched and I appreciated the communication style: there was no need of a crashed car to impress the drivers. These dummies catched the attention with their yellow "dresses", so the first aim of the campaign was accomplished. Besides, they looked just like ghosts...
Bizarre and powerful street theater. Traffic authorities in the US would never have such artistic imagination.
That is so cool! What a fantastic shot!
It made me think of some photos I took of some egyptian 'statues' from the opera 'Aïda' having the arena as the background, the day they were working on the set before the premiere :-)
Very powerful and clever way to get a message out. We could use a U.S. Road Safety Day here. Great post.
What a unique idea and a very effective and memorable one! A great example for the rest of the world to absorb.
Oh! some ghosts look at me.
I agree, very eerie. And very powerful. If they help save lives from car accidents that can be avoided, I'm all for it! We can use a road safety day in Manila too, with a special emphasis on scooter and motorcycle drivers!
What a clever idea! We need something like this in Malta as so many accidents happen here!
That is a very gripping display Valeria. Like shrouded people after a fatality. But seeing the coliseum is always a pleasure.
is the yellow significant, or is it to call attention? The black, I think, is to resemble tire tracks.
very effective. I find that messages conveyed in creative ways are much more effective than straight talking. People tend to blank out and ignore the message otherwise.
I love the strong color against the stone arena in the background.
Great demonstration to address the vehicular accidents that happen every day.
Nice interesting 'performance' shot...
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