I took this photo this morning in Piazza Erbe. There were hundreds and hundreds of students marching and shouting their statements against the newly launched changes. A lorry leaded the march, loaded with big music speakers that played very good instrumental music and right after the lorry, students, teachers, supporters, took the microphone and spoke their ideas.
I liked the mood and the energy of the parade, which was paceful and rich of contents.
Love the energy in the photo.
We are facing many budget cuts in the city too. But we haven't seen the kinds of protests that are so common in Europe.
Forza studenti!!!
I feel pasion of students.
This is a Powerful photo.
Anche Verona unita in questa protesta, finalmente!
In quella moltitudine c'era pure mio fratello che è arrivato a casa senza un filo di voce!
It's good.in iran, students march in student day.so thanks for saw my web.
You summed the image up best yourself.
Good for them! How can any government think that cuts to education can be justified?
Activism in Italy has always impressed me. Berlusconi may have to change his ways now that he may be the last VECCHIO prime minister, and I can finally say that with pride as OBAMA will be the new president in the US. I hope he will really be able to stir up more involvement from the people as he seems to have been able to do for this election. Here's to change for the better on both sides of the Atlantic!
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