Almost every day I walk under these arches and I hardly notice it. Now that I am handling this photo I take a closer look and realize how special this construction is.
It was built in the first century AD over a pre-existing gate dated first century b.C. The Via Postumia (ancient highroad built in 148 b.C., it ran from Genoa and in Cremona it spread in two branches: one ran to Aquileia - Venice and the other ran north to the Brenner Pass, through Verona) passed through this gate!
The gate's current name derives from the guard soldiers which were paid the fee to enter in the town (Latin bursarii).
I have heard that during the terrible flood of 1882 the water reached such a high level that the rescue boats couldn't make it through the arches!
Today I was honoured to receive the Kreativ Blogger award from Nobu of Funabashi Daily Phone Photo

Thank you so much Nobu, I am happy to have received the award from someone I admire and whom I consider a source of inspiration.
My duty now is to list 6 things that make me happy and 6 blogs worth of this award.
These are six things that make me happy:
1 My family, especially my little daughter
2 Meeting people, knowing their stories
3 Natural beauty, wildlife
4 Reading
5 Taking photos
6 Thunderstorms
6 blogs worthy
1 Cavite Daily Photo by Stephen
2 Menton Daily Photo
3 Sari (Iran) Daily Photo by Danial
4 Santa Fe Daily Photo
5 Lost in Sicilia
6 Sidney Meanderings
When we start photographing our places we live in daily it surprising how much we notice than before, like this loving building.
Congratulations on your award! i notice there appears to be some new remodeling to the wall on the left of the gate. The new with the old in harmony.
Superb arches. I would love to photograph every nook and cranny! Those floods must been when the ark came *wink*
Elegant large gate.
I feel like I could go to ancient roman age through the gate.
Valeria! Believe me or not, I am really teary-eyed right now! You surprised me so much! You know, I am a very dramatic person. I just want to say thank you so so so so much! You made my Day! My week I must say! This is my second award and it is very special to me! Both awards made me feel appreciated! Thanks so much Valeria! You just don't know how happy you made me!
I love this award so much! Thank you so so so much! You're really a nice person no kidding! Just as this post that you made about this beautiful gate! Thank you very very much! Ringraziarla molto! Have I said it right?
God BLess and Mabuhay from the Philippines! More power to all our blogs! By the way, it's Steven but Stephen is just the same as well^^
I agree with is a lovely way to enrich our daily existence and see the details we'd otherwise miss.
I like how large you've made the photo, so the natural imperfections of the stone can be seen. The stone must be pocked from the weather and pollution.
I like, too, the inclusion of the arch that you're standing behind. It gives some depth to the photo and the curve is lovely.
Thank you so much, Valeria. Its very special when you know that people appreciate what you are trying to do.
Congratulations on the award.
Like you, I started noticing things more now that I've started taking photos. It's interesting how we take things for granted sometimes.
Thanks for my web is worthy.
Thank you so much for the great honour of this award. I'm mightily chuffed. I will work on this after Theme Day but honestly don't know that I can choose 6 people but will keep you posted. Meantime, just to say thankyou so much. I treasure the honour and in such good company too.
WOW, thanks Valeria! As you know, i am knew to the world of blogging and I am still trying to find my rhythm in keeping up with all the things I'd like to document. So far I love being part of this exchange and I really connect with and am inspired by your blog, so thanks so much, it is very encouraging to me! Just that little push I was looking forward to stay up an extra hour and do some writing. Many thanks and I look forward to more exchanges.
Valeria, thank you so very much for the award. I really appreciate it. I just need to figure out how to post it to my blog. Have a wonderful weekend.
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