Christmas lights appeared a few days ago but I still haven't had the occasion to see if they are already being switched on in the evening. These arches are called "I portoni della Bra" as they are the main entrance to Piazza Bra (you can see them on my post "Free Press").
Years ago Christmas decorations wouldn't appear before the beginning of december and that made the moment really magic. Nowadays the Christmas season lasts over two months and that "magic" fades quite a bit...
Any early signs of Christmas in your town?
I can imagine how special the arch looks at night with colorful lights. Your whole town is probably just lovely at Christmas time. I've been so occupied with autumn foliage and activities, I haven't noticed if there are any signs of Christmas. I like to get to Thanksgiving first.
Here in Madrid their already working on Christmas light to...
I shot with a Nikon D300 and a Nikon D50...
But the important thing is the eye not the camera. ;-)
I think this is a powerfull photo.
wow, that's nuts. I guess because it's darker earlier, the lights will really be seen.
I can see how the magic fades before it even begins!
I heard Christmas songs at the grocery store two weekends ago. It freaked me out a little.
According to news report, a lot of stores are putting up Christmas decorations already and holding early Christmas sale because the economy is not doing well. The stores are hoping people would shop early.
oh yeah! In supermarket there are many Christmas produtcs as 'panettoni', chocolats and various decoration! I'm just surprised ... missing two months yet!!
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