They already display the typical Chrismas cakes (you can see the boxes piled inside the shop on the right): panettone (from Milan) and the pandoro, originally from Verona, and above all, the Offella, considered the oldest and first version of pandoro. They are all so, so yummy!
What is your Christmas cake?
What a beautiful little shop. It makes me want to go for a look around.
Alas, our Christmas cake in the US is the dreaded fruitcake! It's about the size, shape and consistency of a brick, and for some reason people like to give it as gifts. After Christmas every year, a neighboring town holds a fruitcake toss contest, because nobody wants to eat the stuff -- might as well throw it as far as you can!
I love your charming picture of the Albertini shop!
Panettone is getting very popular in the US now. I think one of the gourmet food catalog started carrying it and now you can find them in most supermarkets and grocery stores.
I will go out and take some photos of panettones this week.
I like Ofella!
It is a pretty and nice shop.
If I bought a christmas cake in the shop, I would feel something happiness.
Wow! Quanto ben di Dio! For Xmas I like the Pandoro best, but in this photo what I like the most is the display of prosciutti...I can almost smell them! Ciao. Antonella
All I can say is mmmmmm (as in, good). I imagine there are some very powerful smells when you enter that shop!
The dreaded fruitcake here in Scotland - round, with marzipan and hard white icing on top, with a forest of decorations. My children don't like it, so they were delighted last year when my daughter was given a panettone by an Italian friend!
Love your blog - I've just discovered it.
I haven't tasted any of those mentioned. I've led a very boring life. Our Christmas 'cake' is Pumpkin Pie with whipped cream.
Altro che panettoni, io sto sbavando per quei prosciutti :)
Un bellissimo negozio. Lunga vita e abbasso gli ipermercati!
So beautiful little shop. It looks like from the tale!!!
I would like to go inside ...
There is a huge difference between this shop and egyptians ones I visit every day ...
Wow, I would love to shop here. Have a wonderful weekend.
What a beautiful shop! It looks a nice place and a delicious place too!
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