For the first time since I started my DP, I entered the theme day as I had been inspired by this book shop. But I forgot to post the photo yesterday! I was so disappointed when I realized my mistake but I couldn't change the post. Apologies.
This is an old bookshop off Piazza Bra. It is a very special place because it is also an art gallery, as they also sell paintings of local artists. I really don't know how they can find the books, they must have a method to keep in mind where they put each author...
I see what you mean about finding books. That stack in the center of the shop looks quite formidable!
Nice post, and today is just as good as yesterday :)
lol, I love these tiny shops stuffed with books. There were a few on the Upper West Side where I used to live, but many closed because it was just too hard to compete with the bigger bookstore chains.
These places have character and a sense of adventure. I also like the fact that many sell used books. Imagining the previous owners of each book is fun.
They sell painting with books.
I think they sell books an art.
Valeria, it's better late than never! Besides we're still here to see your beautiful shot! The books looks so dense and makes the shop looks so full, I always love spaces that are fully used. It shows the productivity of a business.
God bLess ou and Have a great week ahead!
Better late than never, I say!
I love old book smell but not the dust.
hello Valeria.
I'm living in Paris and will visit Verona next week-end (7-9 nov.)
could you give me the good addresses of vintage clothes shops and antique markets in Verona?
thank you!
This is a lovely photo Valeria. Warm and inviting.
So sorry I missed this on Theme Day. A fabulous choice. I love your photography.
wow, beautiful book shop... I'd love to get lost there...
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