On Via Sottoriva, a few steps from S. Anastasia Cathedral, there is this antiques shop. They have a variety of pieces, not luxury stuff, just very plain things. They specialize on wooden frames and occasionally they have paintings too. I was, in fact, captured by the painting and the print behind the window... I must go back and take a closer look...!
beautiful Valeria. I sometimes fine frames are beautiful, just as they are and these are. Love this photograph.
I love thoes painting too.
Beautiful composition and the light is perfect!
The frames are quite nice and make a great photo. The print in the window does look lovely
I know people who go to flea markets to buy old paintings for the frames. They throw away the painting. :-)
i like this old frames
you can put a photo beteewn
I love this one! I am crazy about old things too. I think these frames look perfect just the way they are, empty!
cool photo!
frames sometimes look better without art in them...you can appreciate them for themselves.
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