Sunday, March 15, 2009

BICYCLES The postman's bike

I have been photographing many bicycles lately. They steal my attention, especially if they are old looking and black or if the setting is interesting. 
I have long been thinking about starting a series starring this fantastic mean of transport and why not doing it today with this nice shot!
I took just this morning in the sunny Piazza dei Signori. The postman had just arrived and gone into the restaurant with a handful of mail to deliver. I quickly shot and soon he was back to ride his yellow Poste Italiane bike...


Yukinori Katayama said...

you really have a fine sensibility, valeria!

Hilda said...

I'd like to see more bicycles in Manila, but I think there's little chance of that.

Well captured.

Lowell said...

What a cute bicycle. Hard to believe that your mail carriers actually ride bikes. I think there are many places in Ocala where that would be feasible and think how much money it would save and how much better it would be for the environment!

Clueless in Boston said...

Great idea for the postal workers to use bicycles to deliver mail. I don't think that would happen in the US. A series on bicycles sounds like an interesting idea.

Białe nad czerwonym said...

Hi Valeria! With great pleasure I am awarding You with a Kreativ Blogger Award. More:


crocrodyl said...

I like this photo! It is full of optimism!

Victor said...

I love the idea of a series on bicycles and I look forward to each photo. Cheers!

Emma Bond said...

This is why we adore Italy! Lovely photo Valeria!

Saretta said...

Are you getting ready for April theme day with this YELLOW bike? ;-)

lunarossa said...

Che forte, non ne avevo mai vista una prima! Qui da noi come sai sono rosse con la scritta Royal Mail. Ciao. A.

Unknown said...

That must make life as a postman in Verona quite enjoyable (except when it rains!)

pve design said...

Oh, the color of that bike is like a zest of lemon.

lemon said...

Thank you for sharing with us such beautiful pictures!

Ming the Merciless said...

Our mailman walk around the neighborhood to deliver mail. But that is because NYC is so tightly packed.

If I had a bicycle, I would want to have a bag like that on the back of it.

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