It's still icy cold here and today it was also pretty foggy. There is still some snow left on the roofs and on the river shores. I took a long walk today and enjoyed this magical atmosphere near the Ponte Pietra. This is the oldest bridge in Verona, built in 100 BC!
Absolutely love this picture. Terrific.
It's an incredible photo. Definitely magical.
Wish you and yours a very Happy New Year.
The age of that bridge is mind-boggling! It's a beautiful image. But it makes me want to curl up in bed with a thick blanket ;)
Happy New Year, Valeria! Wishing you all the best in 2009.
Wow! This photo looks like it could have been taken in 100 BC! Nice shot but a little scary.
Happy New Year to you and your family, Valeria.
Bellissima foto Valeria! Hai catturato il senso di freddo e mistero!
Che bello questo scorcio, Valeria! Sembra un'immagine di un paesino della Ligura invece di Verona...Qui da noi c'e' il sole, molto freddo pero'. Buona giornata. Ciao. A.
My second comment: We went out with friends to eat last night. I told them about this wonderful picture. Thank you so much.
Beautiful picture! Great view for your walk.
Oh -- I would love that walk, in that weather. There seems to be magic in all of your shots!
Very beautiful photo!
Lindíssima foto!
Happy New Year!
Feliz Ano Novo!
I love this photo. There are so much contrast here, colors vs. the grey sky, clear view vs. misty background, etc.
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