Friday, October 23, 2009

Yellow line, orange trolley

Porta Nuova Railway Station, sunday morning.


angel said...

Estamente per questa fermata Porta Nuova sono arrivata a Verona. Era la prima volta che andava li. Conoscerla é stata per me una sensazione indiscritibile. Como si ritornasse alla mia cittá. Como si ritrovasse la mia gente. E voglio ritornare, presto.
Oggi, sono felice perché vado a dormire con questo ricordo nella mente. Grazie!

Virginia said...

I'm sorry I've not visited as often as I'd like . I love your blog and this is a great shot. Reminds me of my Paris experience trying to get home on standby this summer. I did a lot of RER and Metro stuff hauling my little carryon. ( MY luggage had already flown off to the wild blue yonder before I left Paris!)

Leif Hagen said...

What time does the train to Florence depart?!

Kcalpesh said...

Didn't have to find the yellow line and look for the yellow trolly! A photo shot in a very nice persective and quite an imaginative title too... :-)

- Pixellicious Photos

Amy said...

looks like quite a large station

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