Dear Valeria ,to have such a big size photos I created an acount by the costs nothing and you can put till 200 photos without to pay nothing.After that you have the choise to upload your photos in 4 different sizes.Some other blogers use also PICASA but I try it without to be able to have big size photos.So I reccoment you Flickr.Many regards and big succes!!
ah, gorgeous!
how funny that they've added lights in the cornice? That's such a modern move.
is that typical nowadays? Are there services that go on at night?
Magnifico! Thanks for posting such breathtaking photos:)
Wonderful. Is this the main church in Verona?
Its so nice and mystic atmospaire, wonderfull shot :) have a nice weekend.
Dear Valeria ,to have such a big size photos I created an acount by the costs nothing and you can put till 200 photos without to pay nothing.After that you have the choise to upload your photos in 4 different sizes.Some other blogers use also PICASA but I try it without to be able to have big size photos.So I reccoment you Flickr.Many regards and big succes!!
Wow very nice picture!
Beautiful framing, lighting and shadows!!!
It's fabulous!!!!
Beautiful paintings ! On animus my photos are less than 2 Mo, i am looking forward to your animus blog ;)
Heavenly photo of the illuminated ceiling! Magnificent paintings up there - Wow! Cool framing of the photo! Molto bene!
The lighting really makes that ceiling stand out - beautiful!
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