Nicely composed! I love the way you have made this photo look mysterious by not showing the complete structure and having clicked the snap from the other region... my vision passing through the gateway is curious to see the structure fully!
Interesting.... I never been to Verona - and cannot wait. Is this a popular destination? Do they know where she is buried now? (looks empty in the photo!)
I love the warmth and the shapes, Valeria.
Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou, Romeo?!
Nicely composed! I love the way you have made this photo look mysterious by not showing the complete structure and having clicked the snap from the other region... my vision passing through the gateway is curious to see the structure fully!
- Pixellicious Photos
So much graffiti! :(
I think so many people visit there.
Those graffiti remind me a photo you have posted ever.
Very impressive photo.
nice capture on this grave... very enigmatic!
except for too much writings on the wall, but it's what makes the site famous. ^-^
Poor Juliet! I remember watching the play on TV when I was a young kid.
The lighting in this photo is amazing. I love it.
Real beautiful shot and fantastically shaped !! Nice/
Interesting.... I never been to Verona - and cannot wait. Is this a popular destination? Do they know where she is buried now? (looks empty in the photo!)
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