Saturday, December 6, 2008

Round sign

I noticed this round sign this morning, next to an old style neon sign. It was raining a bit and I struggled with my umbrella to take this pic ;-) 

Nowadays, as everyone has one (or more) mobile phones, most of the public phones have been removed. I thought it was nice to see the old "phone" sign, as it is a reminder of how we used to be and how politely it told us that a phone was available in the bar... 


lunarossa said...

Bella foto. Veramente una rarita' Valeria. Anche qui in GB buona parte delle famose cabine rosse sono scomparse...Che tristezza! Buon weekend. Ciao. Antonella

nobu said...

It has nostalgic atmosphere.
I like it.

Irredento Urbanita said...

Those telephones are historic. Consumism we create history faster than before.

Nice shot.



Trujillo Daily Photo

Barcelona Daily Photo

Saretta said...

Truly a piece of history...amazing how fast certain objects and necessities disappear and new ones take their place!

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