Thursday, January 21, 2010

Painter's corner

A painter sells his works under the arches of the Domus Mercatorum, Piazza Erbe.


Amy said...

I love it! I think it really shows what Italy's all about.

Leif Hagen said...

Your photo transports me to magical Italy! Wish I could be there to examine the paintings! Grazie!

Randy said...

What beautiful night photos. I also would have loved to have been there.

Chuck Pefley said...

The mood in these photos is delicious!

Saretta said...

What a beautiful city Verona is!

Kitty said...

wonderful colors to see on a winter night. Heck on a summer night, too!

Blogaire said...

Your night photos are always excellent Valerie!

Miss Lemon said...

Quelle ambiance, j'aimerais y être.
May i scrib in French or do you prefer English?

amatamari© said...

Splendide, davvero.

brattcat said...

These are wonderful, they are like paintings, themselves.

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