Sunday, January 3, 2010

Classic car fascination

The sixties' charm. Piazza Erbe, a few days ago.


Rosaria Williams said...

Ah, the good old memories.

AB said...

Like a scene from a Fellini film!

Gunn said...

Wow, my thoughts went straight to some Italian films..
A superb shot!

brattcat said...

The rain gives such depth and texture to this image. Fine work.

Unknown said...

Where is Marcello ?? And Fellini !!! Super shot !

Blogaire said...

Ooooh - I just LOVE it!!

Amy said...

I love old classic cars! The black and white of this photo definitely does it justice.

Cobalt Violet said...

Love this but it makes me miss my old 63 Falcon!

Enjoying so much going through your old posts!!!
Your photos and Verona are beautiful and amazing. Thanks for sharing.

Carry said...

What an image! The buildings, the people, the wet road, and most of all, that car provide so many nice sights in the photo. The entire thing looks like a shot from some sort of movie.

The car itself is a spiffy vintage. It's got style that matches the feel of that black and white photo.
-Carry Bacot

Patrick said...

Man! It's almost hard to tell whether that picture was taken relatively recently or during the time when that classic car was just a young one. It's an excellent use of black and white! Good job!

Patrick Gauer

Duncan said...

This is the perfect time and location to enjoy the weather and appreciate people, architecture and vintage cars like as this one. This reminds me of scenes from a classic movie, where the protagonist is walking under the heavy rain, looking for his lover.

Duncan Moredock

Naomi Champy said...

I am a big fan of the 60’s! And the photo effect used on this one made it look as if it was taken during that era. How amazing! I would want to drive that vintage car and be all dressed up looking like Greta Garbo or perhaps Vivien Leigh.

Naomi Champy

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