Saturday, November 7, 2009

Christmas decorations, already?!!?

Coin department stores have already Christmas trees in the window...
Isn't it a bit to early?!?


Virginia said...

IT's the same everywhere. It makes me CRAZY!

Randy said...

Oh it makes me nuts too! Its getting to the point that we go from Halloween to Christmas. Thanksgiving is becoming no big deal here.

Blogaire said...

It's too commercial! The meaning of Christmas is lost. Happy Easter everybody...

Yukinori Katayama said...

It's bit early, but those decolations makes our hearts beating...
Beautiful photo!

Gunn said...

I am now your follower number 148. :-)
X-mas is starting early in Stavanger too.
It is crazy!!
Anyway, you do have a very interesting and nice blog!

amatamari© said...

There are three things that I like a lot of this post: the thought that "It is too early for Christmas...", the Coin shop (that I love) and the night photography with the city lit ...
All this for me has the taste of home and is wonderful!

E scusa il pessimo inglese...

Amy said...

I saw some decorations in early October - crazy!!

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