Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A little prayer


Blogaire said...

Ciao Valeria, at this very sad and tragic time for your country we all pray for you.

Yukinori Katayama said...

Yes, we pray for you and for your country!

Ann said...

My thoughts are with you and your countrymen.

Virginia said...

Those of us from the CDP community are praying for the Italian people affected by this tragedy.

Lowell said...

Nice slice-of-life. Some look like they know exactly where they are going, while others seem not too sure.

nobu said...

I'm sorry for sufferer.

martha said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and all the tragic people of L'Aquila.

Unknown said...

Very evocative b&w shot and title. I know earthquake replicas keep on going...

Buenos Aires Photoblog said...

What a tragedy! My heart goes out to all involved families.

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