Saturday, November 21, 2009

Pizzeria, Fiat 500 and bella ragazza...

Italian icons...


Unknown said...

Superb photo, I really like it!

Nori Katayama said...

Lovely car indeed! We feel real Italy.

Lowell said...

Fine looking car...great colors. I got everything by ragazza...does it mean "decked out"?

Leif Hagen said...

Fab foto! I love the red car - it's so fun and cooool!

Gunn said...

Beautiful Fiat Bambino!! I wish I had one!
Nice street shot!!

glduro_marieloupe said...
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Babzy.B said...

Yes this is Italy :)

Blogaire said...


Aimz said...

is that a bambina? i haven't seen one in years...

Kitty said...

oh I love Fiats. I wish we had them here.

Love the red, too. I'd have a red one. :-)

Virginia said...

Great composition here. Love this shot and that cute red Fiat!

prashant said...

Fine looking car...great colors.

Work from home India

Unknown said...

wow! I really love this little red funky fiat car. I am thinking in buying a new car very soon and i would like something similar to the one in the picture, cool little car!

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